jtlongandco: RT @foliomag: BusinessWeek named Web Site of Year by #ASBPE: http://tinyurl.com/ylflmw4
bakercom1: RT @estherschindler @paulconley: Congrats to the ASBPE winners. RT @ASBPE Slide show of DIgital Azbee winners http://ow.ly/AK1I #asbpe
estherschindler: RT @paulconley: Congrats to the ASBPE winners. RT @ASBPE Slide show of DIgital Azbee winners http://ow.ly/AK1I #asbpe
paulconley: Congrats to the ASBPE winners. RT @ASBPE Slide show of DIgital Azbee winners includes links to the sites. http://ow.ly/AK1I #asbpe
asbpe: Slide show of DIgital Azbee winners includes links to the actual sites. http://ow.ly/AK1I #asbpe
lucy1375: RT @TonieAuer Challenges of attracting members under discussion. What do you want out of ASBPE membership? What made you join? #asbpe
TonieAuer: Challenges of attracting members under discussion. What makes ASBPE membership attractive to you? What do you want out of it? #asbpe
pwoodwardhk: RT @TonieAuer: Long only work if you slice it up into bite-sized chunks. Even if its 5000 words it needs to be a quick read. #asbpe
ktom17: Thanks to all of the fantastic speakers at ASBPE's Digital Symposium! A lot of great info packed into one day! #asbpe
ktom17: Know your online readers by getting them to register; eventually advertisers are going to want more detailed metrics. --Eric Knorr at #asbpe
ktom17: Tips for going Web-only: try crazy ideas (don't be afraid to fail); don't try to reinvent the print process. --Eric Knorr at #asbpe
ktom17: Tips for going Web-only: watch #s, but don't be a slave to them; know your culture and be a slave to it. --Eric Knorr at #asbpe
ktom17: Web-only publishing offers freedom from "calendar tyranny": no more obligatory content, greater creativity. --Eric Knorr at #asbpe
TonieAuer: Brand on the web is weaker but readers remember good info, so keep strong personalities writing for you - Eric Knorr, Infoword. #asbpe
ktom17: "I'm wired to Omniture." --InfoWorld's Eric Knorr on moving to Web-only publishing at #asbpe [I know the feeling.]
CivilActivist: RT @govtechnews: RT @TonieAuer: Try to add context around mainstream news. - GT Editor Steve Towns at #asbpe awards
govtechnews: RT @ktom17 Increased Web content makes staff more engaged, knowledgeable by putting them in closer contact w/subjects. Steve Towns #asbpe
govtechnews: RT @ktom17: B2B Web-1st survival tactics: Be flexible. If an editor's writing the print cover story, lessen Web load. Steve Towns at #asbpe
ktom17: Increasing Web content has made staff more engaged & knowledgeable by putting them in closer contact with subjects. --Steve Towns at #asbpe
govtechnews: RT @ktom17: B2B Web-first survival tactics: All editors, inc. top-level, must contribute. Steve Towns at #asbpe
TonieAuer: Developing web content: producing 20 stories a month not done before. Daily writing puts staff in closer touch with subjects. #asbpe
govtechnews: RT @TonieAuer: Web is essential. You can't be just a print writer - Steve Towns. #asbpe
govtechnews: RT @TonieAuer: Try to add context around mainstream news. - GT Editor Steve Towns at #asbpe awards
ktom17: B2B Web-first survival tactics: Be flexible. e.g., if an editor is writing the print cover story, lessen Web load. --Steve Towns at #asbpe
ktom17: B2B Web-first survival tactics: All editors, including top-level, must contribute. --Government Technology's Steve Towns at #asbpe
travelojos: Travel peeps: don't feel bad about lack of monetization/social media. B2B pubs haven't figured it out yet either #asbpe
mspizziri: Live tweets from ASBPE Digital Symposium - lots of great tips on CMS, social media, more at #asbpe
jtlongandco: RT @mspizziri: RT @ASBPE: BusinessWeek takes Web Site of the Year honors in Digital Azbee Awards. See all winners: http://ow.ly/zYNi #asbpe
TonieAuer: Content Management Systems are like whack-a-mole. You hit one thing & something else comes up - Tyler Davidson. #asbpe
mspizziri: RT @ASBPE: BusinessWeek takes Web Site of the Year honors in Digital Azbee Awards. See all winners: http://ow.ly/zYNi #asbpe
ktom17: Having a wall between your editors & your tech folks is the biggest mistake you can make when it comes to the CMS --Tyler Davidson at #asbpe
noradepalma: RT @ktom17: Editors must give their input into the CMS selection, b/c otherwise it's left up to the techies. --Frederic Paul at #asbpe
ktom17: CMS must-haves: speed; easy-to-understand interface; remote, Web-based publishing, SEO-friendly. --Frederic Paul at #asbpe
ktom17: Choosing a CMS isn't just about what you want, it's about what you can afford and how tech-savvy your staff is. --Frederic Paul at #asbpe
ktom17: A CMS with easier operation and fewer problems provides less flexibility for change. --Frederic Paul at #asbpe
ktom17: A CMS with greater flexibility is less protected and more likely to crash. --Frederic Paul at #asbpe
ktom17: When choosing a CMS, you have to choose the balance of flexibility & control you want; you can't have all of both. --Frederic Paul at #asbpe
jasonhiner: Frederic Paul - "All CMSes suck, but some suck less than others." #asbpe [Truer words were never spoken]
ktom17: Editors must give their input into the CMS selection, b/c otherwise it's left up to the techies. --Frederic Paul at #asbpe
ktom17: In 30 years of working with CMSes, "I’ve learned one thing: They all suck." --Frederic Paul at #asbpe session on working with a new CMS
ktom17: We’re not just reporting it & throwing it out there. Readers want opportunities to talk about it & to engage. --Tom Giles at #asbpe
asbpe: BusinessWeek takes Web Site of the Year honors in Digital Azbee Awards. See all winners: http://ow.ly/zYNi #asbpe
jasonhiner: "Tear down the walls that separate print editors from Web editors." Business Week's Tom Giles at #asbpe
TonieAuer: BusinessWeek (website of the year) puts news items on site multiple times daily. Timestamp articles so readers know they're fresh. #asbpe
karmacakedotca: Yes PLEASE! RT @ktom17: Tear down the walls that separate print editors from Web editors. --Business Week's Tom Giles at #asbpe
TonieAuer: @alexlcohen: I'm checking to see if we have the list available. If so, I'll post a link. #asbpe
estherschindler: AGREE! RT @meridith: "People who tell you shorter is better [on the web] are wrong."-@harrymccracken, speaking about story length, at #asbpe
ktom17: Tear down the walls that separate print editors from Web editors. --Business Week's Tom Giles at #asbpe
realitydigital: 55% people say their online communities are at least as important real communities (USC study) via @kellieparker #asbpe (via @jasonhiner)
fredfunk: RT @Taylor810ce: 55% people say their online communities are at least as important real communities (USC study) via @kellieparker #asbpe ...
Taylor810ce: 55% people say their online communities are at least as important real communities (USC study) via @kellieparker #asbpe (via @jasonhiner)
sidraisch: RT jasonhiner Okay, so there's a hashtag #asbpe for today's Digital Symposium, for those b2b editors who are interested.
stephanieoverby: RT @meridith "People who tell you shorter is better [on the web] are wrong."--@harrymccracken, speaking about story length, at #asbpe
BMoxieBMore: #followfriday shout @ktom17 4 kicking out outstanding info on content management 2day #asbpe? you know, she's an editor a v. important mag!
meridith: @kellieparker Great presentation today at the #ASBPE! Thanks for sharing your 10 yrs of wisdom and expertise!
ktom17: It’s hard for one person to build a successful online community. It needs to be a group effort. --@kellieparker at #asbpe
ktom17: For your online community, have a written comm. standards document against which all contributions can be held to. @kellieparker at #asbpe
TimTechPR: RT @jasonhiner 55% people say their online communities at least as important as real world communities (USC) via @kellieparker #asbpe
TonieAuer: Know what culture you want to create, set the tone from the first post. LinkedIn is professional & you know it. #asbpe
jasonhiner: 55% people say their online communities are at least as important real world communities (USC study) via @kellieparker #asbpe
TonieAuer: Kellie Parker: 54 % of members log into their online community at least once per day. #asbpe
jtlongandco: @ #ASBPE Digital conference tweeting about conference on tweeting like a play within a play.
ktom17: Discussions on your message boards provide great fodder/ideas for future editorial content. --Jim Sulecki at #asbpe
ktom17: Repurpose community content (forum discussions, blog comments) in newsletters, etc. to keep the conversation going. --Jim Sulecki at #asbpe
TonieAuer: B2b editor: like the host of a cocktail party. About brand, community, conversation more than it is about the medium, Sulecki says. #asbpe
jasonhiner: Okay, so there's a hashtag #asbpe for today's Digital Symposium, for those b2b editors who are interested
TriumphCIO: RT @meridith: "People who tell you shorter is better [on the web] are wrong."--@harrymccracken, speaking about story length, at #asbpe #CIO
ktom17: "[B2B] is more about the brand, the community, the conversation, than it is about the medium.” --Jim Sulecki at #asbpe
johnbethune: Great 2 see ASBPE use twitter this way! Now about that Web site. . . RT @paulconley: ... I'm following the tweets at #asbpe. You should too
ktom17: Social media: “If you’re not going to do it on a regular basis, don’t do it, b/c you will have no traction in creating an audience” #asbpe
jimcarper: Retailers/Wholesalers: good social media info coming out of seminar for journalists today. Follow #asbpe
ktom17: “If someone already wrote about it, if you don’t have a different spin on it, you’re late.” --Hinda Chalew at #asbpe
ktom17: Social media is just as much about building your personal brand as your company's. Hinda Chalew at #asbpe
TonieAuer: Use types of media where your audience is. Where is your target market? You could be wasting your time in some facets, Chalew said. #asbpe
0 more results since you started searching. Refresh to see them.
TonieAuer: Social Media: broader than you think. Surveys, virtual events, blogs, Web communities, Hinda Chalew says. #asbpe
atbennett: RT @meridith: "People who tell you shorter is better [on the web] are wrong."--@harrymccracken, speaking about story length, at #asbpe
ktom17: Don't hit char limit on Twitter. Leave room for “RT" and your "@ name” so u can be easily retweeted. @harrymccracken at #asbpe
TonieAuer: McCracken: Envision the headline without the story: does the headline still make sense, does it make you want to read? #asbpe
paulheney: Harry McCracken headline tips: Being cryptic is killer; tantalizing=good, always mention subject of article, address reader directly. #asbpe
ktom17: Break up long Web articles with lists, short grafs, subsections, links. @harrymccracken at #asbpe
meridith: "People who tell you shorter is better [on the web] are wrong."--@harrymccracken, speaking about story length, at #asbpe
ktom17: “[Web] content should be as long as the content justifies.” Mix short and long as appropriate. @harrymccracken at #asbpe
TonieAuer: Long only work if you slice it up into bite-sized chunks. Even if its 5000 words it needs to be a quick read. #asbpe
TonieAuer: Don’t worry about linking people off your site, if content isn’t good, you’re just making it easy. If its good, they’ll come back. #asbpe
meridith: "The smaller you are on the web, the louder you have to be to get heard on the web." --@harrymccracken #asbpe
ktom17: “Link unto others as you would have them link unto you.” This includes to competitors. @harrymccracken at #asbpe
paulconley: I'm not at the ASBPE Digital conference. But I'm following the tweets at #asbpe. You should too
TonieAuer: Apply to Google News to have your site listed. Will attract readers & they don't let just anyone in, McCracken said. #asbpe
toryk: Good tip, @ktom17! Don't stuff stories with keywords. Readers R going to realize you’re writing for Google, not them. @harrymccracken #asbpe
ktom17: Don't stuff stories with keywords. Readers are going to realize you’re writing for Google, not them. @harrymccracken at #asbpe
paulheney: Harry McCracken web tips: Don't stuff stories with keywords. Don't write like a robot. Don't do anything that feels like voodoo. #asbpe
ktom17: Get noticed by being first. “If you break news, even if you’re a small site, people will know.” @harrymccracken at #asbpe
ktom17: “I don’t devote a lot of time to making Google happy;I devote time to making my readers happy.Google comes along.” @harrymccracken at #asbpe
TonieAuer: Link Love is important. People learn content, like it and decide it is good enough to tell their readers about it, McCracken says. #asbpe
mariedomingo: Factoid disclosed today by @HarryMcCracken ... only allows less than 1 percent of his brain to SEO. #asbpe
mariedomingo: @TonieAuer I'm being asked by several other journalists who couldn't make it today, if there's a video/audio cast for this event? #asbpe
TonieAuer: The smaller you are, the louder you have to be to get heard on the web. McCracken calls this the Horton Hears a Who rule. #asbpe
kellieparker: Speaking at #asbpe digital symposium this morning on building online communities. Watching my ex boss @harrymccracken talk now.
ktom17: Encourage ppl to comment. "The most useful thing we do online is help people find our content & find each other.” @harrymccracken at #asbpe
paulheney: Harry McCracken at the ASBPE Digital Symposium: "Make content so good people want to tell the world about it." #asbpe
ktom17: “If you don’t fail, you’re not going to learn anything.” -- @harrymccracken on B2B web publishing at #asbpe
TonieAuer: I need to learn about Google Wave. I've heard people say it three times before 9:30 a.m. today. Find it at wave.google.com #asbpe
ktom17: Switching gears today from urban development to B2B publishing...tweeting from the ASBPE Digital Symposium in San Francisco. #asbpe
bcarlsonCIO: RT @lmclaughlin: hit it over the green monster today @twailgum, @meridith, @ASacco at #asbpe awards. you are an all-star team.
CIOonline: RT @lmclaughlin: hit it over the green monster today @twailgum, @meridith, @ASacco at #asbpe awards. you are an all-star team.
lmclaughlin: hit it over the green monster today @twailgum, @meridith, @ASacco at #asbpe awards. you are an all-star team.
asbpe: Reminder: Look for live tweets from ASBPE's Digital Symposium Nov. 6, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. PST. Search for #asbpe
mariedomingo: Live tweeting from ASBPE's Digital Symposium @ Hyatt Regency Burlingame today, 9am - 5pm PST. (via @asbpe) #asbpe #fb
meridith: In San Francisco for Digital Azbee awards from the #ASBPE. Finally finished catching up on e-mail. Now I'm going to sleep!
Thanks to Martha Spizziri for compiling the tweets.
— Tonie Auer
Update, 9:28 a.m.: Here is a PDF document with all the Tweets in chronological order (376K PDF). PDF created via TweetDoc.
Labels: ASBPE Conference, Tonie Auer, Twitter