Nominate Entries for the Barlett & Steele Awards

Who produced the best investigative business journalism in the past year? You tell us. The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism is accepting submissions for the annual Barlett & Steele Awards for Investigative Business Journalism. The awards, named after Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporters Don Barlett and Jim Steele, highlight the top print and online business journalism.

The deadline for submission is Aug. 3. Entries must have appeared between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009. The $5,000 Gold and $2,000 Silver winners will be announced in the fall.

“We’d like to see journalists who keep the bigger picture in mind. Someone who brings an understanding of complex issues that have not been properly explained. Don and I have an informal motto: Tell the readers something they don’t know about,” Steele says.

Click here to find out how to enter.

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