DFW Chapter President and National Blog Chairperson
I'm deviating a bit from our very "news you can use" format here to give a hat tip to the The Newseum. Despite criticism for self-promotion, I can't wait to go there. Checking out an AP story on the latest exhibit about "G-Men and Journalists: Top News Stories of the FBI's First Century," I'm dying to go check this out. Call it morbid curiousity, but the exhibit includes the Unabomber's country shack where he wrote is infamous manifesto.
I can recall when his craziness was at full strength and every package we received at the newspaper with no return address or addressed in unusual fashion was greeted with great caution. Thick letters or packages that included paperclips and no return address were even "opened" by the local bomb squad. No kidding. We didn't tinker with that stuff. I think that is why the Unabomber's story is so fascinating to me.
Has anyone been to the Newseum yet? I'm really wanting to go.
Labels: Journalism, Tonie Auer